Business General Liability Insurance in New Mexico

Commercial general liability insurance protects you from claims that may arise during normal business operations. For example, if a customer slips and falls while shopping on your premises or a product you make causes injury or illness, business general liability insurance will cover related costs. Protect yourself and your business with commercial general liability insurance from Socorro Insurance Mart, Inc.

Types of General Liability Coverage

  • Premises liability insurance
  • Product liability insurance
  • Product recall insurance
  • Contractual liability insurance
  • Excess liability insurance

What Does General Liability Cover?

  • Property damage
  • Personal injury, like libel or slander
  • Medical expenses
  • Administrative costs
  • Settlements
  • Court costs
  • Judgments

Errors and Omissions Insurance in New Mexico

You make every effort to conduct business conscientiously. But even the most seasoned professional occasionally makes mistakes.

You need errors and omissions insurance, also known as E&O insurance coverage, to protect yourself, your employees, and your company.

In addition to errors and omissions, E&O insurance coverage protects business owners from claims of:

  • Negligence
  • Inaccurate advice
  • Misrepresentation
  • Violation of good faith

Get errors and omissions insurance before someone files a claim. Schedule an appointment with a licensed insurance agent before it’s too late.

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Business Umbrella Insurance in New Mexico

You’ve done your due diligence to protect yourself, your business, and your employees with commercial property insurance, general liability insurance, and more. But have you considered what might happen if a judgment against you goes beyond the limits of your current policies?

That’s why you also need business umbrella insurance.

Business umbrella insurance covers costs that go beyond your other liability limits, providing an extra layer of protection that can make the difference between staying in business and closing your doors.

Discuss your need to add commercial umbrella insurance to your protection portfolio. Call S.I.M.I.  to speak with an experienced commercial insurance agent in Socorro, NM.

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